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The best and easiest to learn 3D CAD & CAM tool combination of Alibre Atom3D and MeshCAM Pro CAM software. Price includes first 12 months of updates. On-going updates are optional.

Alibre Workshop

  • Alibre Workshop is a combination of two tools - Alibre Atom3D and MeshCAM Pro for Alibre. Using the two together, you can design and refine 3D models or 2D drawings and then create toolpaths for your mill. The last step - walking to the mill and pressing go - is all that's left.

    CAD Import: STEP, SAT, DWG, DXF, Solidworks®
    CAD Export: STEP, SAT, STL, DWG, DXF, 3D PDF, 2D PDF
    CAM Import: STL, DXF, SVG, Images

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